A vehicle maintenance policy can help keep vehicles in good working order, no matter your fleet size. Having a robust set of policies is a best practice for fleet management as it has many benefits: supporting uptime, improving productivity over time, and optimizing resale value.
A written policy can also help promote a culture of safety among your drivers and other employees. Clear rules and procedures encourage others to look for and act on vehicle issues, protect themselves and others in the process, as well as reduce vehicle wear. A policy also provides important documentation in the unfortunate event of a collision or mechanical failure.
Here are three core reasons for setting up a fleet maintenance policy:
Duty of Care
This is the legal obligation of an organization or a person to avoid acts or omissions that are likely to cause harm to others. Having a well-communicated maintenance policy and program means an organization with fleets only sustains suitable, well-functioning vehicles by systematically maintaining and repairing them. Fleet managers should always be able to show a consistent history of compliance and enforcement.
Driver Safety
Creating a written vehicle maintenance policy helps to promote a culture of safety for drivers. Keeping a fleet in good working order helps mitigate driver risk, so that employees are not stranded with a broken down vehicle. Being consistent and specific is key.
Risk Mitigation
In too many fleets, maintenance is left up to the drivers, and there is little formal documentation on proper fleet maintenance procedures. A written policy that details all proactive efforts towards maintenance scheduling, record keeping and driver training can help. The end result is decreased risk and increased driver confidence by keeping vehicles in good working order.
How Can Fleet Technology Help?
Geotab and its Marketplace have many tools to help you stay on track with maintenance scheduling and understanding engine health, fuel levels, EV charging, and much more. Give Advantage Asset Tracking a call to learn more about how to create a vehicle maintenance policy and how to best utilize the Geotab Marketplace.