Get the most efficient Real-Time-Location-System (RTLS) that adapts to your environment.
ADVANTAGE ONE has been providing core fleet management to a variety of private enterprise and government fleets for over a decade and has now joined forces with leading asset tracking provider AssetFlo to give its clients adaptable tracking services under one integrated roof.

IoT Automation
Installing cellular assisted GPS devices in road vehicles and heavy machinery has become a standardized process for different fleet tracking platforms.
While this approach provides a cost effective and powerful tracking solution for fleets able to maintain consistently solid cellular network connectivity, it’s not applicable in case uses taking place indoors or outside a cellular network.
A more diversified set of hardware that utilizes Bluetooth technology in tandem with cellular assisted GPS is required to track assets in these environments.
Fortunately, the next generation of location platforms to help distribution centers and factories drive automation with accurate 3D locations that works indoor and outdoor is here.
Assetflo enables plant managers to increase visibility on all assets with shelf level accuracy, eliminate choke points and improve the flow through their facilities. Assets at remote jobs sites can also be located to ensure appropriate utilization and mitigate loss of valuable equipment.
Location Platform
Get the most efficient Real-Time-Location-System (RTLS) that adapts to your environment.
Designed with the vision of zero configuration and ease of deployment.
Based on advanced localization algorithm flexible to run on the Tag, Edge device or Cloud and deliver the lowest cost of ownership.

Asset Tag
Single sensor fusion to locate and monitor anything. Industrial grade, adaptive for many Use Cases of Indoor/Outdoor Asset Tracking.

Asset Locator
Edge Compute to locate, sense and automate flow for fixed or moving asset with a sub meter level positioning accuracy.

Asset View
Real-time 3D view on your assets with actionable metric dashboard for different Use Cases; Utilization, Efficiencies, and Safety