The wildly successful contract between the State of California and Geotab for GPS/Telematics services is now being adopted in Missouri. This is highly exciting news as it means that all municipalities within the State of Missouri are free to join the program. Geotab is ranked the number one commercial telematics vendor worldwide by ABI Research and continues to be recognized by the industry as a leader in innovative fleet management technology and solutions.
Advantage Asset Tracking has 12 years of experience selling and supporting Geotab as one of its sole service providers. Advantage helps customers manage the program by performing quarterly reviews with shared best practices to ensure maximum functionality and the greatest return on investment. Of all Geotab resellers, Advantage Asset Tracking has the most experience handling the needs of public works, winter ops, public facing mapping, custom integrations and much more*.
Some of the features customers can expect from the Geotab program include:
Limited Lifetime Device Warranty
Active Tracking — the feature delivers high-precision location information and shows smooth, live vehicle movements on a map. See a video of Active Tracking and also read about how it works.
Support Services — free expert support directly through the MyGeotab application to resolve issues, or request training.
Engine Data —In addition to the basics (odometer, engine hours and engine road speed), a Geotab ProPlus subscription lets you record critical data like total fuel used, idle fuel used, RPM, Check Engine light, engine faults, and driver’s seat belt. Users can fine-tune fleet maintenance and safety programs, and build and monitor fleet rules for engine diagnostics and issues or engine misuse.
Advanced Driver Coaching — Geotab Pro and ProPlus gives you the ability to track and manage particular driving events. Fleet safety management is supported by Geotab’s robust rule-setting and audible driver notifications. (See also this article on GO TALK in-vehicle verbal coaching if safety is your focus.)
Tire Pressure Monitoring, Mobileye and Lone Worker Solutions — Geotab ProPlus allows customers to integrate with real-time tire pressure and temperature monitoring from Continental Tire, Mobileye collision avoidance technology, or the Grace lone worker/man down safety monitoring system.
Support for Advanced IOX Expanders — Geotab ProPlus opens the gate to advanced IOX technology.
Driver ID (optional)
In-Cab Messaging (SMS Text / Voice)
DVIR (Vehicle Inspection Reports)
Geofence Alerts
PM Scheduling & FMS software integrations
Advantage Asset Tracking has hundreds of happy customers that utilize its expertise in planning, deployment, implementation, and training. A hands-on customer service team is assigned to each customer for the life of the program. Advantage Asset Tracking clients are seen as more than just customers; they are seen as valued partners. Contact our team at info@advtracking.net to get your savings today!
*Public Works / Winter Operations Features: street sweeper brush activity, live payload monitoring, mowing activity, plow & wing blade position sensors, material spreader thruputs, active tracking (Up to the second location), 511 travel info integration, real time dispatching, public facing maps (for plow route status), road temp integration, live dash & backup cameras, routing & dispatching, light bar status, and Bluetooth® beacon monitoring (IOX-BT)